The book is set in a fantasy world wherein several generations ago, wealthy humans created artificial life-forms, called Automae, to be their servants and/or humanoid pets (yikes). I was worried it wouldn’t live up to my high expectations but it definitely did! Even though it ends on a massive cliffhanger, which I can forgive because it’s a planned duology and not a trilogy (#BanTrilogies). I’ve been majorly excited about this book since June when I saw the beautiful cover and read these words in the synopsis: “an impossible love between two girls-one human, one Made-whose romance could be the beginning of a revolution.” This book features SO many things that are right in my wheelhouse: queer love, fantasy setting, cyborgs/artificial life, and, of course, burning it all down. Here’s what was going through my head when I finished this book: wow woah wow woah wow woah wow woah wow!! In a good way. Theme: Class Differences, Enemies to Lovers, Taboo Relationship/Forbidden RomanceĪrchetype: Diverse Protagonists, Royalty, Spy/Assassin Genre: LGBTQIA, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult