The Taming of Mei Lin by Jeannie Lin
The Taming of Mei Lin by Jeannie Lin

Lucky for you, you don't have to wait long because Butterfly Swords officially releases Friday, October 1, 2010! You may even be able to get a hold of it now! It will make you smile and sigh and remind you why you love romance. You could read it in its entirety during your lunch hour. Go ahead and download The Taming of Mei Lin by Jeannie Lin today. I haven't given a grade in a book review in a long time, let alone written a book review, but I loved this one so much. Layered with sword fights, emotional tension, a sweet and sensual romance and of course, a happily ever after. The historical setting is unique and the story is fun, exciting, and very sweet. A strong, almost defiant female who, while she can hold her own, discovers a sort of personal contentment and fulfillment when she finally meets the man who complements her intelligence, skill, and passion. This short story is the perfect sampling of all that I love about romance. Something she doesn't quite understand that stirs within her when she meets the eyes of this honorable stranger. Mei Lin is a bundle of strength, energy and determination and yet behind her swords, she's also feminine, innocent and waiting for. What I can tell you is that in the span of five short chapters, author Jeannie Lin pens a sweet and dramatic love story full that is just as romantic as it is exciting. I can't reveal anything else about the story because so much happens in so few pages that I don't want to spoil anything. I encourage you to download and read The Taming of Mei Lin because it is a romantic and fierce little story that you will love, and because I think it's the perfect little sample of Jeannie Lin's work that will make you want to read Butterfly Swords right afterwards!

The Taming of Mei Lin by Jeannie Lin

The Taming of Mei Lin is not exactly a prequel, but it is connected in that it tells the love story of the ancestors of the family in Butterfly Swords. It's not historically accurate as the story takes place in 720 AD China during the Tang Dynasty, which consequently is about forty years prior to Jeannie Lin's current full length novel, Butterfly Swords. I'm more than halfway through reading Butterfly Swords right now and I am loving it for several reasons that I plan to share in an upcoming review, but for now, I want to give a little bit of attention to the short story ebook, The Taming of Mei Lin by Jeannie Lin that has been available since September 1, 2010.ĭon't let the clothing of the models on the cover of The Taming of Mei Lin fool you. It's not very often that a Harlequin Historical gets this much pre-release attention, but I assure you, it's all well deserved. The romance book blogging world has been all a buzz lately over the Asian historical romance novel Butterfly Swords by debut author Jeannie Lin from Harlequin that releases today.

The Taming of Mei Lin by Jeannie Lin

Once you've gotten over the shock that I've actually written a book review, sit up straight and pay attention, because you're going to want to take note of this one.

The Taming of Mei Lin by Jeannie Lin